2023 Year End Recap

Jan 9, 2024 | Governance

Welcome to a new year; I hope you had a holiday break. Whether you are a continuing student or this is your first semester, we are happy to have you here.

The NAITSA Executive Council has been busy this term, so we have prepared an update to see what the team has been up to. If you want to learn a bit more about each team member and what they do, feel free to read more here

President Tyleen Saison

Being on the Executive Council for another year has been such a pleasure, and I am deeply grateful to have this opportunity. It’s been an exhilarating year with so many people back on camps; it makes NAIT feel alive. I always aim to support students in having a fulfilling and memorable experience at NAIT. This year, I have focused on supporting my teams’ goals and working on procedures behind the scenes to support the success of future teams year after year. There are many more things that our team takes pride in behind the scenes, so we are so excited to share our year so far!

Over the summer, our team attended conferences focused on leadership and advocacy. We’ve had the privilege of meeting government officials and delving into essential topics such as health and dental benefits on campus. These experiences have been invaluable in equipping us with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate effectively for all of you throughout the year.

As a team, we created goals that will help guide our work for the year, including our two team goals and one government advocacy goal!

  • More NAITSA presence on campus
  • More significant NAITSA presence “in the classroom” – students have more touch points by creating a better connection with instructors and NAITSA.
  • Campus Equity
  • Helping all campuses and students access services and resources no matter where they study.
  • PSLA Changes for MNIFs
  • Working with ASEC on improving the legislation regarding how MNIFs are approved and increased

The fall semester flew by, didn’t it? I hope you all had a chance to participate in fantastic events throughout the semester and explore the campus. There are so many fantastic study spots on campus, and I highly recommend checking out the Nest Eatery; take it from me – best food on campus!

I also joined the Alberta Student Executive Council (ASEC) for Advocacy Week in November as a member of the Advocacy team. At the legislature, we spoke to Ministers, MLAs, and ministry departments throughout the week to advocate for student needs, mainly regarding affordability.

As we take on the rhythm of the school year, I’ve been closely monitoring common student concerns. Remember, your voice matters! If you have any worries or suggestions regarding campus life, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Together, we can work towards making positive changes for our student community.

Vice President Academic Marina Bruno

As I reflect on the past eight months, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey we have undertaken together. I am so honoured for the opportunity to be your Vice President Academic. Serving as your VPA, I’ve had the privilege of being immersed in the heartbeat of our academic community, we’ve collectively weathered challenges, celebrated triumphs, and forged connections that define the essence of our NAIT community. It is my absolute pleasure to reflect on the wonderful journey that our team has embarked on together.

My journey started off with establishing our goals as a team, and individually, laying the foundation for a purposeful term. My goals led me to focusing on tutoring for students through the Nimbus app and eventually the successful pilot of the drop-in tutoring program. In the summer, we welcomed a new position: the Student Academic Rights Advisor, Renata. Since then I have been working closely with her to ensure that your concerns are not only heard but advocated for. Efforts to increase Open Educational Resources (OERs) have been ongoing, aiming to alleviate some of the financial burden on our student community.

The Fall term brought an immense sense of joy as we participated in the Week of Welcome! It was so wonderful seeing everyone back on campus, alongside the eager newcomers. Amidst pursuing our goals, I engaged with student executives from other post-secondary institutions, planned and executed our first rendition of Discovery Days, collaborated with NAIT staff on learning technologies, contributed to NAIT’s Academic Plan research sharing the student perspective, and represented students on NAIT’s Board of Governors. As well as, planned Executive Council engagement events at our satellite campuses with our Student Academic Rights Advisor. Advocacy remained at the forefront as I met with NAIT Executives, having discussions on the supports that are available to you as students.

As I write my experiences, I am reminded of the vibrant community that is the heartbeat of our institution. I am sincerely thankful for the privilege of serving as your Vice President Academic. It is challenging to encapsulate the richness of this journey so far in just a few words, but I hope this message offers a glimpse into the shared commitment, resilience, and passion that characterises our efforts as your Executive Council. Thank you for an unforgettable term. I look forward to seeing all you accomplish in the coming term. Good luck on your journey and remember that we are always here for you.

Vice President Internal Travis Luscombe

Hello all,
As a new year turns the corner, I can’t help but appreciate and reflect on the role I have been working in full-time since May. It has been enriching, sometimes challenging, and overall a fantastic experience for growth. My team and I set our goals at the beginning of our term and have let those guide us. Within those goals, we all set personal goals to support and elevate those we develop as a team. I strived for more significant campus development and increased student engagement.

I did not know exactly what to expect when I started this role. With no prior experience with NAITSA, it was an unconventional path to student leadership. Regardless, I was excited, optimistic, and eager to make a difference. The staff of the students association and my fellow student executives were, and have continued to be, fully supportive of me in forming my goals, executing my role, and helping guide the organization. It has been an experience like no other so far, and I encourage anyone to try their hand at getting involved and making the most of the opportunities presented to them because you don’t know what will come out of it.

My first goal is to foster more campus development; I have been working to restructure students’ part-time and volunteer positions to make them more enjoyable, provide more opportunities, and build more effective processes. Working with NAIT departments to encourage more student spaces, advocate for more student services, and make existing services more accessible. I have met with government officials to fight for amendments that help students in the long term. And will continue to strive for further campus growth and development.

My other efforts to increase engagement have been worked towards by hosting EC events, like discovery days, to get more students the help they need through fun and academic events. Helping to manage and guide the part-time Ooks Life Team staff towards hosting better events, personal development, and gaining general experience, managing and promoting the volunteer team, Ooks Crew, talking to students about engagement and the importance of involvement, and working with Campus Clubs to refine their goals and reshape the department for success. I will also support the campus life team in any other way.

I look forward to the winter semester and the remainder of my term as the VP Internal. I am so grateful to have been elected by the student body, and until my last day, I will continue to work toward my goals, support the NAIT community, and make a positive impact. Good luck to everyone in their studies and extracurricular activities. I wish for even more growth in 2024.

Vice President External Jenna Luczak

Hello Ooks!

As your Vice President External, it brings me immense joy to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve embarked upon together over the past few months. From the first day of classes to the final moments of exams, our campus has been buzzing with the energy of passion, determination, and the unmistakable sense of unity that defines us. As we bid farewell to the Fall semester, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the milestones, victories, and lessons I’ve learned over the past 6 months of being your VP External.

Starting from the first day in office, May 1st, I didn’t know what to expect or even the full extent of what my position entailed. I knew that I was supposed to advocate for the students, but how exactly?

Throughout the summer, I was fortunate enough to run and be elected to the Board of Directors for the Alberta Students’ Executive Council (ASEC), which is the provincial advocacy organization that NAITSA is a part of. In this role, I represent students from all around the province, not just NAIT, and I can bring their concerns to those who need to hear them. I was also able to bring the NAIT Nugget to the satellite campuses with the help of the Editor-in-Chief, Amy St. Amand, which aligns with my goal to bring more of the “NAIT” feel to the satellite campuses. Souch Campus now has a revamped student lounge with furniture brought over from the main campus, and now students can hang out or study in a designated student area.

The fall term went by in a blink of an eye! It was filled with meetings with the Advanced Education department, including the Minister, a policy advisor, and the Advanced Education critic. It is important to keep consistency when meeting with different levels of government, so whether I met with MLAs, advisors, or Ministers, they all received the same messages. I also met with Councillor Anne Stephenson to talk about safety concerns around campus, and how the students of NAIT will be affected by the upcoming Yellowhead conversion and new LRT station. The executive council team and I have been working hard to visit the satellite campuses as much as we can, alongside the Student Academic Rights Advisor, Renata Medeiros.

These campus visits provide the students with familiarity with NAITSA and our services, as well as reinforce that satellite campuses matter just as much as the main campus.

It’s hard to condense what the last 7 months have truly been like into a short wrap-up but I hope this gives insight to the work I’ve been doing for NAIT students. As you step into the new year and dive into the rhythm of the winter term, have confidence that the NAITSA Executive Council is consistently advocating for your rights and needs as students.

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