Response to Recent Data Breach and Future Data Safeguards

Jul 20, 2023 | Governance, Press Release

NAITSA would like to address the recent cyber data breach involving Gallivan, the third-party broker that operates our student benefits plan. Gallivan has informed us about a data security incident involving a third-party security company that they used for secure file transfers.

Firstly, we want to assure you that the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Students’ Association (NAITSA) takes the protection of our students’ data seriously. The news of the breach was initially concerning, but we have complete confidence in Gallivan’s handling of the situation. Their swift, transparent, and comprehensive approach to investigating the incident, taking corrective measures, and offering protective services to affected students is a testament to their commitment to our students’ safety and privacy.

In their complex investigation, Gallivan determined the nature and scope of the exposed information. The company has since taken significant steps to address the breach, which includes discontinuing the use of the compromised third-party service and offering comprehensive credit monitoring services for affected students at no cost.

We appreciate the manner in which Gallivan has conducted themselves, reporting the incident to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and relevant provincial authorities, and providing continuous communication and support to the affected students.

For students who cannot access credit monitoring services, we note Gallivan’s offer of a standalone Dark Web Monitoring service. This is a substantial offer to help ensure all our students feel protected and monitored in the wake of this incident.

We acknowledge the inconvenience this situation has caused our students and share their concerns. However, we believe that Gallivan has demonstrated a high level of care and professionalism in responding to the incident. We are reassured that they are committed to continual enhancement of their information security program.

NAITSA will continue to closely monitor the situation and work with Gallivan to ensure the ongoing protection of our students’ data. We stand ready to assist in any way possible and we encourage our student members to take advantage of the protections being offered.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us or Gallivan’s dedicated assistance line.

Thank you for your understanding during this time, and we extend our sincere appreciation for your continued trust in NAITSA.


For More Information call:

Jason Roth
External Relations Director

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