2022 MNIF Plebiscite

Feb 4, 2022 | Governance


With a turnout of 3187 students voting, representing 24.4% of the student body:

MNIF Results:
NO: 1605 votes, 53.4%
YES: 1398 votes, 46.6%
The unofficial result of the plebiscite is NO.

NAITSA 2022 Mandatory Non-Instructional Fee Plebiscite

Under Alberta law, any new mandatory non-instructional fees (MNIF’s) proposed by NAIT must first be approved by NAITSA’s Executive Council before they can be charged to students. Students will be asked to vote Yes or No on whether the Executive Council should approve a new mandatory non-instructional fee. If approved this new “Institutional Technology Fee” would be charged to students starting in the 2022/23 academic year and would be used to improve classroom technology and preserve access to many learning support services students currently have free access to.

Institutional Technology Fee cost per semester:

Credit StudentsFall 2022Winter 2023Spring/Summer 2023
Flat fee44.0044.0022.00

Apprentice StudentsFall 2022Winter 2023Spring/Summer 2023
Fee per week3.663.663.66

This fee would fund the following services:

Classroom technology enhancements and supports
Classroom technology will be deployed to improve engagement and collaboration in the classroom, support inclusion by incorporating different learning styles, and the addition of more ‘hyflex’ classrooms that give learners the choice of participating in class or remotely.

Learning Support Technology
Technologies that have been introduced to support teaching and learning, such as Grammarly, LinkedIn Learning, Mindtools, Read & Write, Wolfram|Alpha and Nimbus Learning will be maintained. A student purchasing individual licenses for these products would far exceed the cost of this fee. (For example, 3 months of Grammarly premium costs $30USD/month and a LinkedIn Learning monthly subscription is $47.61CAD/month.)

How and When To Vote:
Students can sign into the official voting portal here using their myNAIT Student Portal credentials. The voting period begins on February 11th at 12:01 a.m. and closes February 17 at 4:00 p.m.

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